Congratulations to Ann Coulter for winning the coveted Crackpot of the Year Award. (Seen here with her good pal, Al Sharpton)
This weekend, during the the airing of the Fox News program "Your World," she (along with a couple of -- hehe -- policy experts) claimed that Bill Clinton is personally to blame for the current crisis in North Korea. That's right, you heard me. Okay, stop laughing, there's more. Their argument is this: Clinton (as a rule) refused to take a hard line approach to foreign policy. Rather, he opted for treaties and peaceful diplomacy. In 1994 Clinton succeeded in signing a treaty with North Korea, calling for Kim Jong IL to "give up his plutonium-based nuclear weapons program." Obviously, to no fault of Clinton or Bush, Kim Jong IL changed his mind. Coulter and her band ding-dongs would have you believe that if Clinton had been tougher on them, we wouldn't be in this mess. Makes sense, right? Of course not, don't be a lunkhead.
To the contrary. If it hadn't been for that 1994 treaty, North Korea's plutonium and weapons program would, most likely, be much more developed. And as for Bush’s my-way-or-the-highway approach to foreign policy... well, we see how that’s workin’ out.
In a word, sad. So very very sad. Watch - we'll be 'smoking them out of their holes' next! At least Al is looking pretty good...
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