Friday, October 09, 2009

Okay, I agree that Obama hasn't lived up to his more than lofty promises. I drank the Kool Aid and voted for him because I forgot how our government works -- or should I say doesn't work? The Democrats are bumbling buffoons that can't get anything done even when opportunity is handed to them on a silver platter. The Republicans are nothing more than a mob of snotty-nosed wet blankets intent on doing nothing more that defeating anything blue. Another thing to remember about the current economic rape job is that Obama didn't create it. In fact, that good-for-nothing punk Bush Jr. didn't create it. The banks created it because they created a game where they wrote the rules to benefit themselves and it backfired. Good thing for them we, the taxpayers, were there to bail them out. So now the rules are being rewritten. And you know who's writing those rules? That's right, the banks. Can you say "Great Depression 3.0."

Does Obama think he's helping by digging the hole deeper? Oh I'm sure he doesn't. I believe that he actually thought he could accomplish all that he said he would. But he can't. He may as well have promised free rocket trips to the moon for everyone. Those promises were wistful and dreamy and everything we wanted to hear. Truth be told, our government, as grand as it is, doesn't work that efficiently. Another thing, all this talk about the fears of socialism is stupid. (BTW, the naysayers don't really know what socialism is, look it up.) I could go for a heaping helping of socialism right about now. Yeah, baby.