Monday, August 06, 2007

Holy crap I'm laughing so hard at this I think I've wet my pants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that's some funny human excrement. No lie.


1:22 PM, August 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, when I went up the Matterhorn Mr.. Was he mad when you told him? She put her knees comfortably together and leaned forward for a reply.. He had served his novitiate.. I ran from her presence, and shouted, and leaped with joy, and sat the whole night through, thrilled into happiness by the thought of her love and loveliness, like a wind-harp, tightly strung, and answering the airiest sigh of the breeze with music.. She smiled as she thought of Ralph.. Brede took their summer vacation.. Thanks to Freud's interpretation of dreams the royal road into the unconscious is now open to all explorers.. But Elder Brown's sin during the remainder of the day contained an element of responsibility.. The first duty of a mother is to her children, repeated Mrs. Here are several examples of the dream material which is offered me to refute this position.. Robbers, burglars at night, and ghosts, of which we are afraid before going to bed, and which occasionally even disturb our sleep, originate in one and the same childish reminiscence.. The Major stepped to the door and called: Lydie, dear, will you come? Miss Lydia, looking quite grown up and a little worried, came in from her room.. For a week we had come down to breakfast each morning, wondering why we wasted the precious days of idleness with the company gathered around the Jacobus board.. Her sister-in-law had received 150 florins as a present from her husband, and had quickly got rid of it by buying some ornament.. For it is now immaterial whether I have conceived the psychological relations in question with approximate correctness, or, as is easily possible in such a difficult matter, in an erroneous and fragmentary manner.. Ralph sprang to his feet with a ludicrous expression. Oh--I am not quite sure--we should all be very happy.. Then with a swift movement he dropped the girl into the bow, pushed free, and clambered actively aboard.. He had not been noticing her at all, and yet he had started to her side before she had even cried out, which was strange.. Who are you, pray? said I with much dignity, although somewhat puzzled; how did you get here? and what is it you are talking about? As vor ow I com'd ere, replied the figure, dat iz none of your pizziness; and as vor vat I be talking apout, I be talk apout vat I tink proper; and as vor who I be, vy dat is de very ting I com'd here for to let you zee for yourself...

7:39 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Dwardisimo Rex said...


7:39 PM, October 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:13 AM, January 03, 2008  

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