WASHINGTON – For the first time since it's inception in late 2001, the Terror Alert Warning System for the Color Blind (TAWSCB), was raised to Pantone Matching System (PMS) Cool Grey 9. This measure was in response to Both U.S. and British governments claim that they've foiled a terror plot, allegedly the work of al-Qaida.
According to British officials, the scheme involved a plan to blow up a number of passenger jets flying from the United Kingdom to the United States. About two dozen suspected terrorists were arrested during the night.
In response to the plot, Homeland Security officials raised the TAWSCB threat level on commercial flights headed to the U.S. from Britain from PMS 420 to PMS Cool Grey 9, the highest level. All other U.S. flights are now under PMS 420, or high alert. Flights from the U.S. to the U.K. are also PMS 420.
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff, said, "I would rather have more protection and then scale it back as we become more reassured than underestimate the problem and find out, God forbid, we made a tragic mistake. Believe me, you, I would much rather have a TAWSCB level of PMS Cool Grey 1. Or better yet PMS 424. Or ideally the lowest level, PMS 423. But that's crazy talk." Chertoff later added, "Look people, long gone are the days of PMS 424 and PMS 423. We could be looking at sustained levels of PMS 420, or even PMS Cool Grey 9, for some time -- months, maybe even years." Ironically, he then added, "We are continuing to adapt to the terrorists ever-evolving tactics. They are hellbent on jerkin' us around, it's that simple, they've made up their minds. It's black and white to these crackpots -- there are no shades of grey."
**Clap!** **Clap!** **Clap!**
Just like Badway, I've got nothing. VERY well done!
I have heard that to further muddy the issue, at the DHS they informally refer to Cool Grey 9, the highest threat level, as "Red Alert."
Yes, and John Reid refers to it as "code bleu."
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