Shitgoddamn, I'm back! Welcome once again to the NRT Annex. I'm your host, Dwardisimo Rex. I have some good news and some bad news. First the good news: I have a musical morsel that is sure to tantalize. The bad news? Since I'm as broke as an IT guy after a Star Trek convention, my new release isn't so new. You see, I've been meaning to go out and get the latest release from The Eagles of Death Metal but haven't been able to swing it, so for now we are going to pretend like their last album is there new one. Okay? You know, pretend. Think of it like the little game you played at dinner time when you were in college. You know the one: you sit down with the collection of label-less cans you bought from the scratch and dent corner of the grocery store for 10¢ a can, pick one, and try to guess what's in it. If you guess right, you reward yourself with a second, bonus, mystery can. (Hint, more often than not it was peaches.)
Anyway, on with our make believe.

Peace Love Death Metal is the creation of Josh Homme and Jesse Hughes. The Eagles of Death Metal is kind of an odd little concoction of a band — it's sort of a spin off project of a side project. Huh? Well, you probably know Homme best from Queens of the Stone Age so your pretty sure it's going to be unique and supercharged.
There are numerous hopped up tracks on this release but the one that stands out the most is Speaking In Tongues. It's hard to desribe this song's unbridled energy. But here goes nothing: It's like taking a dead wolverine, burying it in Steven King's Pet Cemetary. Then when it comes back to life you feed it a bottle of Viagra and a Red Bull.
By the way, there's no second can this time — I just can't afford it.
Fabulous! I didn't even think that these guys were around anymore. However, I'm willing to freely admit that the only reason I know that they exist is because of QOSA - LOVE them. Hell, I've been a Homme fan since his days with the Sons of Kuss. So thanks for pulling these guys out of the back room for the masses!
Also, I will hope that your wallet becomes a bit fatter in the coming weeks. The 'can game' is one of those nastalgic moments that should remain just that.
Vacation?! Fabulous for you! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. I really never take vacations. Well, I take that back. I go to the national primate meeting every year and that's like a vacation to me because I'm not at work or at my parents' for the holidays.
As for my luck, to quote my mother: 'If it weren't for bad luck, I would have none at all'. My little black cloud just seems to follow me, and every couple of days or so, it dumps something new to throw a monkey wrech into life. Sadly, I've kinda gotten used to it. And luckily, this time, it wasn't too bad. There was only about a 1/4 - 1/2" of water on the floor, but the leak was coming from the ceiling - hence, not my apartment, but my problem. My neighbor and I had a little chat and even she isn't sure what the issue was as there was no water on the floor in her place. We fear that the old plumbing in the builiding is starting to show it's age because the maintenace guys didn't find anything superfically wrong anywhere in her apt when they went to check it out. She's away this weekend, so we're thinking about testing a couple of hypotheses next week, just for fun, so I don't wind up with an unwanted sky light into her place.
And fear not about not posting a 'new' recording. NRT was designed to bring music to the masses, old or new. So, if you've got something you think needs to be heard, or appreciated more than it is, bring it on!
And on that, I should get back to work. Yeah, Saturday in my cube. At least it's quiet...
I guess this is a Loser Alert: I've never heard of Eagles of Death Metal or Mr. Homme. I don't know what "QOSA" or "NRT" is. I did read Pet Semetary in high school. This is sounding more serious than a Loser Alert; get out the way lest I infect you.
Irregardless, I linked to the "Speaking in Tongues" vid and enjoyed what I saw/heard. Kinda badass rock-a-billy, a la Social Distortion. Hopefully, that reference puts the brakes on my cred spiral. Also, any time I see a video featuring a young woman swiveling her hips in rhinestoned underwear, I approve. The ball-gagged guitarist was a nice touch too. I wonder if that was for visual effect or if the rest of the band makes him wear it so he won't sing along. (I once read that The Who, during the opening acoustic harmonizing lyrics of "Behind Blue Eyes", would kick Keith Moon off the stage because he sang like a braying dog and couldn't resist joining in. So he'd wait in the wings until just before the rocking part kicked in; then he'd hop on his drum throne and drive them home. Drummers just don't get no respect.)
Hiya, all! Especially poppersmoke, whom I would like to thank for the inspiration.
Behold! An ode to drummers - if you skip the first couple of paragraphs...
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