July 20, 2006 was a profoundly sad day for America. The person who holds the ill-gotten position of President of The United States vetoed a bill that would have expanded federal funding of research on newer lines of stem cells. The passage of this bill would have given a turbo boost to the types of research that are devoted to curing diseases like diabetes, Parkinson's, Alhzeihmer's and more. Geedub took it upon himself to ignore the will of the people as well as the will of both houses of congress. Why should anyone be surprised at that? As far as he's concerned, it's "his" presidency, not ours. To hell with everyone. This guy is really establishing quite the legacy for himself. Some day our grandkids will be sitting in their history class learning about Nixon, Castro, and Napoleon and think "at least they weren't George Bush."
Let's take a break and watch as Jon Stewart dissects the Bush Administration's two-faced, self-conflicted policies. Sort of a new take on the "why are pro-life folks also the pro-capital punishment folks."
The President "thinks murder is wrong?" He's from Texas. Where, as govenor, he gave executions away like cereal bowls at the ball park. He's been President for five years and he's waged two wars. WTF? The only thing worse than a doctor with a God complex is a President with a God complex.
Bravo! I'm about to get into this same topic myself in just a few. But first, a new transmission? Good lord - sucks to be you. Again, been there, done that in my old truck - twice (shudder). I, myself, had the joy of getting four new fuel injectors about six months back. That was a good time as well. Hooray debt!!
Thanks for the John Stewart clip. I'm a BIG fan and will have to watch that when I have a few minutes. Maybe during my 'lunch' tomorrow or something. As for Pearl Jam - also a BIG fan. Hell, I was going to be Mrs. Eddie Vedder (or at least I thought so at some point during my college career). And yes, I think that I'll get out the new Chili Peppers release this week. It is indeed tasty stuff.
In the meantime, thanks for asking about my said health. Currently, it's all going forward and I trust that things will work out fine. And then, next fall I can start almost from scratch and being my new career education. What was I saying about debt? And please don't poo-poo your career choice. I have found that advertisers make us want, laugh, and care about things. Really, who else would be clever enough to come up with the phrase "Hooray Beer!"? Advertisers my friend, advertisers.
Tell me something: Do other would-be murderers, like you, kiss yourself in the mirror? And when you thus kiss yourself, do you stick out your tongue and lick yourself, too?
Some people have a way with words and some people just not have way.
Say, anonymous -- Aren't we all "would-be murderers"... until we actually, you know, murder someone? By the way, I'm also a would-be astronaut and would-be celebrity guest on Jeopardy! I used to be a would-be pet owner, but then I threw caution to the wind and bought a purple betta fish.
Hey, do any of you would-be murderers out there know where I can get hold of a sexy mirror?
I went into medicine because I want to be able to help people. It sounds trite, but it is true. I certainly do not appreciate politicians interfering with the course of research and clinical care for people and families dealing with mental status issues that could be cured by stem cell therapy. I also do not appreciate politicians taking away the autonomy of healthcare workers to operate internal ethics procedures and codes of conduct.
poppersmoke - sorry, i'm afraid my mirrors are all prudes
To anonymous - according to your definition of murder, I am a repeat offender. However, I have never gone home to kiss myself in the mirror. But I must say that it's not a bad idea given that none of us really has time for relationships other than the ones we have with our mice. Better yet, I'll start to kiss my mice to thank them for their services. I'll refrain from the licking though; simply because I find it crass and the mice wouldn't like it very much.
To poppersmoke - I think that you might find two-way glass an attractive choice for your purposes...
Hey, Gramke. This is the world wide web -- stomping ground of pedophiles and would-be murderers. Please use my cyber name.
The brisket was divine, as always.
Hold on a sec, you went to Bryant's without me? What gives?
Back to the topic of this post...
Stem cells have the potential to cure deadly diseases. (Let's call them 'would-be' cures. Okay, anonymous?) Where is the morality in preventing the development of this science? Who the hell are these people, these flat-earth idiots led by our morally deranged president, who actually cite morality while blocking life-saving research? To hell with them. Literally. People are dying and suffering from horrible diseases, and they will continue to die and suffer longer than necessary because of obstructions from W.'s self-righteous gaggle of luddites. With all the horrible inventions of mankind -- from flaming religious crosses of hatred to nuclear weapons to the fucking electric chair (an ELECTRIFIED CHAIR!) -- you'd think that even the stupidest of the stupid would agree on this: science that helps prevent and cure deadly diseases is a good idea. Or we could fund another war.
We could cut up all the people we disagree with and use their body parts to prolong OUR deaths--OUR deaths--why, almost, almost indefinitely. This will be done according to our own special liberal God who is also sometimes called Science, or is it Goddess Science, and their Son Jesus Science who is now in medical school. What a bunch of smuck losers!
Dward - Forgive me. I have no intention of making your blog a verbal warzone, but this had to be done.
Anonymous: Although I believe that everyone and anyone is entitled to an opinion, you've stepped over the line. My gloves are now OFF...
First, if you're going to swear in Yiddish - find yourself a dictionary. The correct spelling of the slang word is s-c-h-m-u-c-k. The general slang definition: a clumsy or stupid person; an oaf. Proper Yiddish spelling: s-h-m-o-k. Proper Yiddish meaning - penis. That's right, sunshine - you said PENIS on a public forum.
Second, I took your first comment in stride knowing full well that many are against all kinds of medical research. As I mentioned, everyone is entitled to an opinion, and that's why although I stongly disagreed with you, I gave you a 'funny ha-ha' response. However, your second comment is not only offensive, but full of hate towards the opinions of the rest of us, and I feel that it warrents a somewhat lenghty response.
In blunt, blatent terms - I am a biomedical research professional and I am PO'ed by what you have said. We respect the human condition and human life maybe more than any other group of individuals on the planet. We sit for months on end deciding if what we plan to do is reasonable, feaseable, and above all ETHICAL. People are paid BIG bucks to sit on committes that tell us whether or not a given study is ethical. Then, we're surveyed each and every year to make sure that we are within moral and ethical guidelines. If not, our funding is pulled right out from under us.
The fact that you chose to say something about cutting up all whom we disagree with to prolong OUR lives makes me ill. As researchers, we are not only trying to cure disease, but trying to find ways to decrease SUFFERING. With every study we do, we hope to find a happy side effect that will ensure that anyone who has a debilitating illness will be able to cope better because our treatment helps with the pain - both physical and emotional. Imagine, if you will, giving a man with prostate cancer the opportunity to live the last six months of his life at home, pain free, rather than gorked up on morphine in hospice. Allow an 85 year old woman with Alzheimer's two more years of clarity so that she can enjoy her grandchildren rather than sitting in a nursing center drooling upon herself. THIS is what we are trying to do.
We do not believe that stem cells will save the world. Rather, we hope that they will help us find a way to allow the very sick more good times than bad; and then, perhaps die with dignity rather than in agonizing pain or in a cloud of dementia.
So just remember this, I work 70 hour weeks to ensure that folks like yourself will have a better chance at a healthier and happier future. If you don't like that I do this, that's fine. But know that I've got you anyway. How? Your tax dollars are helping to pay my salary. In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons:
Whatever, anonymous. Invoking God and making snide comments using the word "liberal" doesn't add up to a meaningful argument, although it does play well with the far-right flock of sheep. Thy will be done, unquestionably, forever and ever, amen, regardless of the suffering. Mindless, thoughtless, incurious faith. Can anyone give some examples of what conservative religious ideology has contributed to the world? This'll be fun. I'll start: the budding war between Isreal and Lebanon.
Wait a sec -- "Prolong OUR deaths?" Oh my gosh, anonymous. You poor smuk, you have it completely backwards. It's LIFE we'd like to prolong. I mean -- you're kidding, right? -- who'd want to prolong death? That sounds horrible. And what's this about cutting up body parts? You mean like, hacking off some fingers? Dicing a spleen? Julienned biceps? Egads and bar the door! The more I read of your comments, the more I think you're just one of those crazy would-be ax murderers.
Hi Imms,
What are you doing at this blog, slumming? Your message seemed halfway sensible until the final hilarious line, but your choice of friends definitely sucks. Oh, and please pilfer somebody else's stem cells to play with in your sand box.
That's nice. Must you come to my place and poop on my rug?
Anyway, we've taken a vote in which mine is the only one that counts, and we've all decided that "anonymous" just won't do. It's not that we don't appreciate your cowardice. It's just too impersonal -- even for the Internet. Henceforth, you shall be called Mr. Crackpot. Unless of course you lack testicles, in which case we'll gladly change it to Miss, Ms, or Mrs.
I'm surprised you didn't choose the designation "Crackhead" to match the toilet swirl of this blog. "Crackpot" is so yesterday.
Toilet swirl? That's a good one but what does it have to do with Crackhead. Poppersmoke is right, you are a nitwit. Perhaps you ought to apply more effort into putting together coherent thoughts.
Hello, anonymous (or shall I say Crackhead?),
Just want to provide my two cents:
No, I am not slumming. Got my own blog on which I have posted my feelings about this subject complete with some further biting commentary. However, I felt that it was totally necessary to comment to you, in full, in the same place to which you commented to keep the converstaion alive and well. Not to mention that since Dward's opinion is what started it all, I feel that he is entitled to the entertainment. No? Besides, dude, you squashed my life's work. That hurt. What was I supposed to do, let it slide?
My final line was meant to be both comic relief as well as a 'stick it to ya', so I guess my mission is complete.
Your 'friends suck' comment was just a low blow. Remember, you posted your opinion first and everyone is entitled to have their own. Thus, if you're going to dish it out, you have to take it too.
Finally, fear not, your cells are safe. Adult cells are no fun -they're already tuned to something. And even if they weren't, yours are too bitter and probably wouldn't play along anyway. I only let those who know how to share, and play nice, into my sandbox.
"so yesterday" is so last week.
Well, it's been several weeks now since Crackpot/Tom Cruise/shitfobrains has posted. I've decided to lift the restriction of anonymous posts so that cowards like them could be heard here. Lo?
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