Galdern, is it Thursday already? I guess that means my vacation is almost over. Anyways, here goes the latest update to the annals of the National NRT Institute.
Before we get to it, let me state that (once again) I've spent money I ain't got. That's right, debt begets debt -- in spades. Even though I'm living hand to mouth I couldn't resist picking up the new release from the queen of politicalactivisticfolkalternativemusictypestuff -- Ani DiFranco. This gem is called Reprieve.

Now, Ani has had a long running career of creating ear candy bristling with political and social commentary, but this time something is different. She always seems to harness her distain for the system by concocting musical frolics that enlighten but also conjure a simile or three. This time something is different. Like many of us died-in-the-wool liberals, her frustration with the state of the world today, seems to have overtaken her. As usual, her lyrics and musicianship are topnotch but she seems to have failed to inject that smirk or sense of whimsy that has made us smile at all of her past commentaries. This album is as politically loaded as ever but it's evident that she's at her wit's end. Okay, think of it this way: imagine The Daily Show without the humor.
I know, all of that sounds like a pan, but it's not. Although Reprieve isn't what I expected, I love it because it's evidence that I'm not the only one that's, well, pissed off.
Millennium Theater. And as a bonus, here's one she performed live shortly after September 11, 2001.
Glad to see that Ani is back. Glad to see that you're back too. Hope that vacation was lovely, relaxing, and refreshing.
Thanks for giving me the link to the 'two cats' - LOVED it. I thought of putting Mr. Rich out there last week, but thought better to hold off for a sequel when I'll be able to do a piece on the 'godfathers of drumming'. Rich is SOOO on the list. And Cameron, well, he's in my lineup too, but I had to cap myself at three. As I said, I could go on forever and ever...
I love the song "Strangle Hold", Nick. And for the longest time I thought it was a Peter Frampton song...like, until about 5 years ago. I even tried to find it for you on Napster (ah, the good old days). But of course I couldn't. I still think the song rocks, even though it's played by Nugent. He's a little too enthusiastic about the blood sports for my taste.
Okay, buttwad. This is not a Ted Nugent blog. I mean, shitfire that guy is a pooprag. Let's keep the the commentary over toward the left, okay. Jeez.
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