You’re welcome! Mega-giant oil goliath, ConocoPhillips, publicly issued a thank you to me today. This kind gesture didn’t come in the form of a Hallmark card like you might expect. Instead, they creatively chose a press release as the vehicle to express their gratitude. You see, like all Americans, I donate forty to fifty dollars each week to help out my friendly, neighborhood petroleum conglomerate. They need a little support in these tough times, too. So like any good Samaritan, I pitch in to help them make ends meet. And with my help, they’re getting by.
Sure. Can you pick me up now?
Holy bank wad! That kind of money doesn't compute. It's like trying to comprehend the limits of outerspace.
My buddy works for ExxonMobil and he always tells me "thanks for helping rasie my bonus" It just isn't fair!
As it turns out, my post was authored prematurely. ConocoPhillips only reported a quarterly profit of $5.2 billion. Had I waited until later in the day, I would have discovered that Exxon Mobil's reported second quarter earnigs were a whopping $10.3 billion. Cheese and rice! GW says we aren't getting gouged though, so I feel comforted.
Hello there,
Tried to comment back directly from yours, but it seems that you have pulled your profile. I certainly hope that this is not a sign that something 'not too good' has occurred.
Thanks for the words of encouragement, etc... Doing what I do, I hear negative opinions more often that postive. Let's just say that I've dealt with angry protestors more than once... I normally am able to take it well, and tell myself that these folks are just uneducated and choose to stay that way; but when they get all zealous, I get a little punchy.
But it would seem that one of three things has happened to our angry commentor - he/she has either decided that we have won; decided that they are too 'chicken' to provide a name; or three, has finally walked out in front of a bus.
Also, a big thank you to poppersmoke for adding to my fits of rage. Your commentary made me smile.
And on that, I should get some stuff done. Hope you're having a smashing weekend!
I love the picture. I almost got my daughter to go with me on a secret mission to change all the signs in my neighbor hood to this but she chickened out.
Guess I'll post from my cell for the next few days.
That's hilarious.
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