It defies logic. I can't explain why I love the movie Drumline. I mean, it's not one of my favorite movies and I don't even own it. But whenever I channel surf into it, I watch it. This train wreck meets every criteria for a bad film: Bad acting, a paper-thin storyline, poor directing, the script and dialouge are completely retarded. Ridiculous casting. It's riddled with cliches, stereotypes and puns. The love story isn't intriging. Even the editing is noticably laughable. It's got it all. Aside from all of that, there isn't any reason why I should care. I don't relate to the rap/R&B culture, I was never in a band, I didn't like college, much less college sports or half time shows. However, Drumline is awesome. Weird.
I have aggressively never seen drumline, so I can't comment on it's merits or shortcomings. But the only thing you left out of your list of criticisms is the actual drumming. All I can figure is you must like to watch young men beating things with sticks. And before you say I don't know what I'm talking about, you should know that I took "Psych 101: Intro to Psychology" during my first semester at college.
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