Friday, May 05, 2006
About Me
- Name: Dwardisimo Rex
- Location: Meat Country, United States
What can I say? I'm a bleeding-heart liberal. The right-wingnuts might call me a pinko commie. That's okay, let them — they don't know any better. I like beer and wine. I'm a foodie but you won't find anything food related here. I used to be an artist (a painter) but now I'm an art director in an advertising agency. (Again, you won't find anything advertising related here. [Well, maybe, but probably not.]) I guess you could say I'm professional brainwasher, of sorts. I'm sorry, It was an accident. I should have listened to the career evaluators in junior high and become a doctor or lawyer. Stoopid brain.
Freeloader or no freeloader, you have to admit a Maaco'd Datsun is pretty amazing. Even if they didn't have enough money for dubs. Pimp your ride for less than $300.
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